Ubuntu18 给terminal改个漂亮的命令行提示符的方法

重新安装了VMware和Ubuntu,但是命令行提示符太单调,不美观,如何更改呢。于是在网上巴拉巴拉搜寻一番。 1.更改...

ORA-16133: Datafile string has incorrect terminal recovery stamp. ORACLE 报错 故障修复 远程处理

文档解释 ORA-16133: Datafile string has incorrect terminal recov...

Linux下连接必备软件:必不可少(linux 连接软件)

的Terminal Linux操作系统的运行和管理功能由一组精心设计的应用程序和接口组成。其中一个非常重要的接口就是Li...

ORA-16172: archive logs detected beyond Terminal End-Of-Redo ORACLE 报错 故障修复 远程处理

文档解释 ORA-16172: archive logs detected beyond Terminal End-Of...


Linux pre-installed with a terminal, we can quickly make use...



Linux TTY脱离:顺利终止(linuxtty退出)

端口程序 Linux TTY脱离属于Linux操作系统的一项重要操作,能确保程序能够被及时、顺利地终止,也是所有Linu...

ORA-16249: Terminal apply failed to complete during failover ORACLE 报错 故障修复 远程处理

文档解释 ORA-16249: Terminal apply failed to complete during fai...

ORA-16131: An error occurred during a Terminal Recovery of the standby. ORACLE 报错 故障修复 远程处理

文档解释 ORA-16131: An error occurred during a Terminal Recovery...

ORA-16199: Terminal recovery failed to recover to a consistent point ORACLE 报错 故障修复 远程处理

文档解释 ORA-16199: Terminal recovery failed to recover to a con...