Exploring the Different Partition Separators in Linux(linux分隔符)

Exploring the Different Partition Separators in Linux In Lin…

Exploring the Different Partition Separators in Linux

In Linux, partitions are used to divide a storage device into multiple logical sections, each of which can be used for storing data. There are various partitioning schemes available in Linux, such as GPT, MBR, and LVM. However, one aspect that often goes unnoticed is the partition separator used by these schemes. In this article, we will explore the different partition separators in Linux and how they affect partitioning.

The most common partition separators used in Linux are slash (/) and underscore (_). Slash is used primarily in file systems, while underscore is used mainly in naming conventions. Here, we will explore these in further detail.

Slash (/) Partition Separator

The slash separator is used extensively in file systems to denote the directory hierarchy. In Linux, the root directory is denoted by a single slash, and all other directories are created as subdirectories of the root directory. File systems can also have nested directories, each separated by a slash.

When partitioning a Linux system, the slash separator is used to describe the partition’s mount point. A mount point is a directory in the file system where a partition is mounted. For example:

/dev/sda1 /boot ext2 defaults 0 1

The above line shows the entry in the /etc/fstab file for the /boot partition. Here, /dev/sda1 is the partition device, /boot is the mount point, ext2 is the file system type, defaults are mount options, and 0 and 1 indicate dump and fsck order, respectively.

Underscore (_) Partition Separator

The underscore separator is used in naming conventions to separate words. In Linux, it is commonly used in package names, file names, and user and group names. For example, the package name for the Apache HTTP server is apache2.4, where the underscore separates the major and minor version numbers.

While the underscore separator is not used in partitioning, it is used by some Linux distributions to denote a swap partition. The swap partition is used to temporarily store data that cannot fit in the physical memory (RAM) when the system is running out of memory. For example:

/dev/sda2 none swap sw 0 0

The above line shows the entry in the /etc/fstab file for the swap partition. Here, /dev/sda2 is the partition device, none is the mount point, swap is the file system type, sw are mount options, and 0 and 0 indicate dump and fsck order, respectively.


In summary, partition separators play a crucial role in Linux partitioning. The slash separator is used to describe a partition’s mount point in file systems, while the underscore separator is used for naming conventions and, in some cases, to denote a swap partition. Understanding these separators’ role can help you create more efficient and effective partitioning schemes in your Linux system.




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