
As we all know, JWT (JSON Web Token) is a very practical and…

As we all know, JWT (JSON Web Token) is a very practical and convenient way for user authentication, which can reduce the information interaction between the front-end and the back-end, improve the performance of the user authentication system and ensure the security of the system. However, if we only implement single point JWT, there will be a single point of flure, which may lead to the destruction of the system. To solve this problem, the cluster scheme based on Redis can be adopted to construct a reliable distributed JWT authentication system.

Redis cluster provides a powerful write/read interface, which can balance the write/read of multiple servers, and can be used as the control unit of authentication system. In order to construct a secure distributed JWT authentication system based on Redis cluster, we need to first establish a database in the Redis cluster and then deploy the JWT authentication framework.

First of all, we need to create database in the Redis cluster. The basic data record table of the user’s account database can include Account (user name), Password, Authority and other related items, and each item can be stored by the Redis database. After that, we can start to deploy the JWT authentication framework.

When configuring the JWT authentication framework, we should first register the authentication service provider with the authentication system. The authentication service provider can be either a web server or a remote authentication system. In addition, we should register the secret key in the authentication system to ensure that the user information stored in the authentication database can be properly encrypted and decrypted, and keep the data during the transmission process.

Once the authentication system is set up, we can use the login APIs provided by the authentication system. During the login process, the user input account name and password will be sent to the authentication system, the authentication system will verify the user’s information, if it matches the corresponding data stored in the database, the authentication system will generate a JWT token and return it to the user. Then we can verify the JWT token in the client side and g

After all of the above configurations have been completed, a secure distributed JWT authentication system based on Redis cluster will be established. Compared with single point JWT, this distributed JWT authentication system can effectively solve the single point of flure problem, and better protect user information security.



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