ORA-25960: join index cannot be based on a temporary table ORACLE 报错 故障修复 远程处理

文档解释 ORA-25960: join index cannot be based on a temporary ta…


ORA-25960: join index cannot be based on a temporary table

Cause: An attempt to create a join index was made, which failed because one of the tables was temporary.

Action: Ensure no underlying tables are temporary.


ORA-25960: join index cannot be based on a temporary table

Cause: The CREATE JOIN INDEX statement specified a table with the TEMPORARY keyword. A join index cannot be created based on a temporary table.

Action: Remove the TEMPORARY keyword from the table name in the CREATE JOIN INDEX statement, or consider a different index creation option.



1. 仔细阅读ORA-25960错误的提示信息,了解错误究竟是什么原因导致的。

2. 分析SQL脚本,了解是否在涉及到基于临时表的连接索引的操作中。

3. 如果是在进行基于临时表的连接索引的操作,则检查是否添加了TEMPORARY关键字,并尝试删除TEMPORARY关键字,重新运行sql脚本。

4. 如果不是基于临时表的连接索引,则分析其他条件,尝试修改SQL脚本,重新运行。



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