ORA-26910: user error string encountered in eager mode ORACLE 报错 故障修复 远程处理

文档解释 ORA-26910: user error string encountered in eager mode …


ORA-26910: user error string encountered in eager mode

Cause: An error was encountered during eager apply. An eager transaction is applied before the apply process sees the commit or rollback for the transaction. If an error occurs during an eager transaction, the transaction will be rolled back.

Action: Query the DBA_APPLY_ERROR view to determine the error and take the appropriate action. The apply process will need to be restarted to apply the transaction that had the error. When apply is restarted, capture will automatically resend the transaction, and the transaction will be applied by the apply process.

ORA-26910是一个用户错误字符串,发生在“Eager Mode”下。这是一个延迟分配内存资源的错误,可能是由于内存不可用,数据库节点的资源短缺或内存不足造成的。




1. 检查数据库中的资源短缺情况,以确定是否存在内存不足的问题。

2. 增加内存大小至最佳值,可以减轻资源短缺带来的问题。

3. 追踪你的查询,并确定瓶颈在哪里,然后根据需要对查询进行优化,减少对内存的需求。

4. 此外,也可以考虑使用Cache Fusion系统,以提高数据库性能,并缓解内存紧张状况。



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