ORA-19659: incremental restore would advance file string past RESETLOGS ORACLE 报错 故障修复 远程处理

文档解释 ORA-19659: incremental restore would advance file strin…


ORA-19659: incremental restore would advance file string past RESETLOGS

Cause: This incremental backup cannot be applied to the specified datafile, because the datafile is from an earlier incarnation of the database, and its checkpoint would be advanced too far to be recoverable in the current incarnation of the database.

Action: This incremental cannot be applied to this datafile. If you wish to recover the file to the RESETLOGS SCN so that the database can be opened with the RESETLOGS option, then you must use redo-log recovery, not incremental restore, to continue recovering this file.

ORA-19659 错误是源自Oracle数据库领域中报告的一个常见错误。它表明增量恢复操作无法在恢复到其 RESETLOGS 阶段之前推进文件字符串。

ORA-19659的官方解释是:“增量恢复显示无法推进文件字符串以进行 RESETLOGS。该字符串必须可逆,以确保正确执行以便进行下一个可用的 RESETLOGS 操作。”

常见案例是,当您尝试将含有更高SCN或系统修改编号(SMN)的备份文件做为增量恢复操作,但该文件序列号在 RESETLOGS 之后创建而不是之前创建,恢复操作将失败,而显示ORA-19659错误。


1. 确定增量备份文件是否位于RESETLOGS之后(存在更高SMN)。

2. 如果文件的SMN小于 RESETLOGS,请尝试从头开始重新进行恢复,以确保证有恢复任务进行。

3. 使用RECOVER DATABASE话语来恢复指定的文件序列号。

4. 请确保在启用 RESETLOGS 时,新增量备份中的SMN都在正常状态下。



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