ORA-15591: encountered corrupt workload capture files ORACLE 报错 故障修复 远程处理

文档解释 ORA-15591: encountered corrupt workload capture files C…


ORA-15591: encountered corrupt workload capture files

Cause: The captured workload contained one or more corrupt recording files.

Action: For a list of the incomplete files, check the alert log for lines containing DBMS_WORKLOAD_REPLAY.PROCESS_CAPTURE after capture processing. The corrupt files will be replayed up to the point of the corruption. Alternatively, it is possible to remove the corrupt files and run DBMS_WORKLOAD_REPLAY.PROCESS_CAPTURE again. In this case, no workload from the corrupt files will be replayed.

ORA-15591 错误指的是在尝试使用Workload Capture收集器发现损坏了Workload Capture文件。


ORA-15591: encountered corrupt workload capture files

Cause: The datapump system encountered something that looks like a workload capture file but is not valid.

Action: Check the datapump log files for more details. Look for clues that the file is not in good condition and take appropriate action in order to get the workload capture file into a good condition.


ORA-15591 错误往往出现在使用Data Pump工具进行数据捕获时,因磁盘存储空间不足或传输行为不恰当而导致损坏的Workload Capture文件。


1.通过Data Pump日志文件查找更多信息,并且确认是否有已经损坏的文件存在;


3.重新启动Data Pump,确认已经正常恢复;




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