ORA-22275: invalid LOB locator specified ORACLE 报错 故障修复 远程处理

文档解释 ORA-22275: invalid LOB locator specified Cause: There a…


ORA-22275: invalid LOB locator specified

Cause: There are several causes: (1) the LOB locator was never initialized; (2) the locator is for a BFILE and the routine expects a BLOB/CLOB/NCLOB locator; (3) the locator is for a BLOB/CLOB/NCLOB and the routine expects a BFILE locator; (4) trying to update the LOB in a trigger body — LOBs in trigger bodies are read only; (5) the locator is for a BFILE/BLOB and the routine expects a CLOB/NCLOB locator; (6) the locator is for a CLOB/NCLOB and the routine expects a BFILE/BLOB locator;

Action: For (1), initialize the LOB locator by selecting into the locator variable or by setting the LOB locator to empty. For (2),(3), (5) and (6)pass the correct type of locator into the routine. For (4), remove the trigger body code that updates the LOB value.



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