ORA-06562: type of out argument must match type of column or bind variable ORACLE 报错 故障修复 远程处理

文档解释 ORA-06562: type of out argument must match type of colu…


ORA-06562: type of out argument must match type of column or bind variable

Cause: Attempting to get the value of a column or a bind variable by calling procedure COLUMN_VALUE or VARIABLE_VALUE of package DBMS_SQL but the type of the given out argument where to place the value is different from the type of the column or bind variable that was previously defined by calling procedure DEFINE_COLUMN (for defining a column) or BIND_VARIABLE (for binding a bind variable) of package DBMS_SQL.

Action: Pass in an out argument of the correct type when calling procedure COLUMN_VALUE or VARIABLE_VALUE. The right type is the type that was provided when defining the column or binding the bind variable.



ORA-06562: type of out argument must match type of column or bind variable

当在存储过程或函数中尝试将类型不匹配的数据传入输出参数时,Oracle Database 会显示错误“ORA-06562: type of out argument must match type of column or bind variable”。


以下示例尝试将数据传入输出参数,其类型与数据库列或绑定变量不匹配,因此会出现 ORA-06562: type of out argument must match type of column or bind variable 错误。


若试图将int类型的数据传入e_name参数,则会收到错误ORA-06562: type of out argument must match type of column or bind variable。





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