
Transactional Replication in MS SQL Server is a form of repl…

Transactional Replication in MS SQL Server is a form of replication which ensures the transaction consistency in the replicated database. It ensures the data integrity with two significant features that are monitored and enforced at both the Publisher server and the Subscriber server.

The first feature is schema replication; this feature ensures that the same data definition language scheme is included in both the Publisher and Subscriber databases. This ensures that the same table structures and column constraints are applied in both databases, ensuring that the same operations (select, update, delete, insert) can be applied and succeed.

The second feature is transactional consistency; this feature monitors the transactions at both the Publisher and the Subscriber and synchronizes the changes. This ensures consistent data replication when using transactional replication. If a transaction succeeds at the Publisher, it must also succeed at the Subscriber.

In order to set up Transactional Replication in MS SQL Server the following steps need to be taken:

1. Create a Publication – A Publication is the main element of Transactional Replication and it contains all the objects and data that will be replicated from the Publisher to the Subscriber. This is created in MS SQL Server Management Studio.

2. Create a Subscription – This is done on the Subscriber and ensures that they are replicating the same objects as the publication and getting the same data as the Publisher.

3. Configure Replication Options – This is done to specify the type of replication you want and the options that will be applied to it. There are a variety of options available including synchronization, conflict resolution, data compression and filtering.

4. Initialize the Subscriber – This step ensures that the data is synchronized and the Subscriber is ready to receive transactions from the Publisher.

5. Monitor Replication – The replication performance needs to be monitored regularly to ensure that there are no discrepancies between the Publisher and Subscriber.

MS SQL Server Transactional Replication is an effective way to ensure data consistency between two databases. It guarantees both schema replication and transactional consistency, and provides various options for tuning and monitoring replication performance. It is an important technology for database administrators looking to ensure the security and reliability of their data.



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