Debugging PHP with Xdebug on Linux System(xdebug linux)

Debugging PHP with Xdebug on Linux System With increasing co…

Debugging PHP with Xdebug on Linux System

With increasing complexity of web applications, debugging becomes an more important part of developing. Debugging is essential for localizing the problem quickly and efficiently to minimize the development time and effort, and the debugging tools become increasingly important. the Xdebug is an excellent tool for PHP debug in Linux system.

Xdebug is a PHP extension which provides debugging and profiling capabilities. It helps to find defects in the program, determine the source and cause of the debugging issues and errors. It is a powerful and popular PHP debugging tool. It helps developers to quickly locate, diagnose and fix errors and bugs in their web application.

Xdebug integrates directly with the web server, allowing developers to debug and profile their application remotely. It provides an extensive set of features to speed up debugging process like stack and function traces, profiling information, error logging to help developers quickly identify the issues.

To get started with Xdebug, the first step is to install the Xdebug extension on the Linux server. It can be downloaded from the official site and then it needs to be enabled in the php.ini file.

The following code needs to be added to the php.ini file:






After configuring Xdebug, the web application can be debugged remotely. The web server is configured to listen for Xdebug connections from the IDE on port 9000, and the IDE will send a connection after a breakpoint is set. The xdebug.idekey parameter ensures that no other user can access the debug process.

After configurations, the Xdebug can be used to start debugging the web application. The IDE needs to send a connection request to the web server in order to break into the program which is done after setting a breakpoint. In the beginning, the Xdebug can be used to start debugging the web application by setting different types of breakpoints in different areas of the application.

In conclusion, the Xdebug is a powerful debugging tool for PHP in Linux system. It helps developers to quickly locate, diagnose and fix errors and bugs. With its integration directly with the web server, Xdebug is a great aid in debugging the web applications remotely. It is an extremely useful tool which should be used to speed up the debugging process.




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