Linux · December 16, 2023

Linux Command: clear - Clear the terminal screen

Mastering the Linux Command: clear - Clear the Terminal Screen

When managing your Hong Kong VPS Hosting, you'll often find yourself working with the Linux terminal. One of the most basic yet essential commands you need to know is the 'clear' command. This command is used to clear the terminal screen, providing a clean workspace and improving readability. In this article, we'll delve into the details of the 'clear' command and how to use it effectively.

Understanding the Linux 'clear' Command

The 'clear' command in Linux is a simple command used to clear the terminal screen. It's a handy tool when your terminal gets cluttered with too many commands and outputs. By typing 'clear' and pressing enter, you can instantly clean up your terminal screen and start fresh.

How to Use the 'clear' Command

Using the 'clear' command is straightforward. Open your terminal, type 'clear', and press enter. Your terminal screen will be cleared immediately. Here's an example:

$ clear

This command doesn't require any arguments or options. However, you can combine it with other commands for more advanced operations.

Combining 'clear' with Other Commands

While the 'clear' command is useful on its own, you can also combine it with other commands to enhance your productivity. For instance, you can use the 'clear' command with command chaining to clear the screen and execute another command simultaneously. Here's an example:

$ clear && ls

In this example, the terminal screen is cleared, and then the 'ls' command is executed to list the directory contents.

Creating a Shortcut for the 'clear' Command

If you find yourself frequently using the 'clear' command, you might want to create a shortcut for it. In Linux, you can do this by creating an alias. Here's how:

$ alias c='clear'

Now, you can simply type 'c' to clear the terminal screen. This alias will only last for the current session. To make it permanent, you need to add the alias to your shell's configuration file (e.g., .bashrc or .zshrc).


Mastering the Linux terminal is crucial when managing your Hong Kong VPS Hosting. The 'clear' command, while simple, is an essential tool that can significantly improve your productivity and efficiency. By understanding how to use and customize this command, you can maintain a clean and organized terminal environment, making your VPS management tasks easier and more enjoyable.

Remember, the key to mastering Linux is practice. So, don't hesitate to open your terminal and start experimenting with the 'clear' command and other Linux commands. Happy coding!