Wordpress · December 15, 2023

WordPress Tip: Remove Render-Blocking JavaScript

WordPress Tip: Remove Render-Blocking JavaScript

Running a website can be a challenging task, especially when it comes to optimizing your site for better performance. One common issue that many website owners face is render-blocking JavaScript. This issue can significantly slow down your site, leading to a poor user experience. In this article, we will discuss how to remove render-blocking JavaScript in WordPress to improve your site's performance, especially if you're using a Hong Kong VPS Hosting.

What is Render-Blocking JavaScript?

Render-blocking JavaScript refers to the JavaScript files that prevent a webpage from displaying until they have been fully loaded. These scripts can significantly slow down your site's load time, leading to a poor user experience and potentially harming your site's SEO.

Why Should You Remove Render-Blocking JavaScript?

Removing render-blocking JavaScript can significantly improve your site's load time, leading to a better user experience. This can also improve your site's SEO, as search engines like Google consider site speed as a ranking factor. If you're using a VPS for your website, optimizing your site's performance is crucial to make the most out of your hosting resources.

How to Remove Render-Blocking JavaScript in WordPress

Here are some steps you can follow to remove render-blocking JavaScript in WordPress:

  • Use a Plugin: There are several WordPress plugins available that can help you remove render-blocking JavaScript. Some popular options include Autoptimize, W3 Total Cache, and WP Rocket.
  • Manually Defer Parsing of JavaScript: If you're comfortable with coding, you can manually defer the parsing of JavaScript by adding 'defer' in the script tag. This tells the browser to load the script after the HTML has been fully loaded.
  • Use Async Attribute: Similar to the 'defer' attribute, 'async' can also be used to load JavaScript files asynchronously. This means that the script will be loaded in the background while the rest of the page continues to load.

Example of Deferring Parsing of JavaScript

Here's an example of how you can defer parsing of JavaScript:

<script defer src="your-script.js"></script>

This tells the browser to load the script after the HTML has been fully loaded, thus preventing it from blocking the rendering of the page.


Removing render-blocking JavaScript is a crucial step in optimizing your WordPress site for better performance. Whether you're using a plugin or manually deferring the parsing of JavaScript, this process can significantly improve your site's load time and user experience. If you're using a Hong Kong VPS Hosting, optimizing your site's performance is crucial to make the most out of your hosting resources. Remember, a faster website not only provides a better user experience but also improves your site's SEO.