MongoDB · January 2, 2024

How to fix MongoDB Error Code - 74 - NodeNotFound

How to Fix MongoDB Error Code - 74 - NodeNotFound

MongoDB is a popular NoSQL database that offers high performance, scalability, and flexibility. However, like any other software, it can encounter errors that need to be resolved. One such error is MongoDB Error Code - 74 - NodeNotFound. In this article, we will explore what this error means and how to fix it.

Understanding MongoDB Error Code - 74 - NodeNotFound

When working with MongoDB, you may come across Error Code - 74 - NodeNotFound. This error occurs when a MongoDB node cannot be found in the replica set configuration. A replica set is a group of MongoDB instances that store the same data, providing redundancy and high availability.

The NodeNotFound error typically occurs when a MongoDB client tries to connect to a replica set but fails to find the specified node. This can happen due to various reasons, such as incorrect replica set configuration, network issues, or node failure.

Fixing MongoDB Error Code - 74 - NodeNotFound

To fix the NodeNotFound error in MongoDB, follow these steps:

1. Verify Replica Set Configuration

Start by checking the replica set configuration. Ensure that the replica set name, hostnames, and ports are correctly specified. You can use the MongoDB shell or a configuration file to verify the configuration.

For example, if your replica set name is "myReplicaSet" and the hostnames are "", "", and "", you can use the following command to check the configuration:


If the configuration is incorrect, you can update it using the following command:


Replace "configuration" with the correct replica set configuration.

2. Check Network Connectivity

Ensure that there are no network connectivity issues between the MongoDB client and the replica set nodes. Check if you can ping the nodes and if the required ports (default is 27017) are open and accessible.

If there are any network issues, resolve them by fixing DNS resolution problems, firewall rules, or any other network-related configuration.

3. Restart MongoDB Nodes

If the replica set configuration and network connectivity are correct, try restarting the MongoDB nodes. Sometimes, a simple restart can resolve temporary issues or node failures.

Restart each node in the replica set one by one and monitor the MongoDB logs for any errors or warnings.

4. Rebuild the Replica Set

If none of the above steps resolve the NodeNotFound error, you may need to rebuild the replica set. This involves removing the existing replica set configuration and adding it again.

Before proceeding with this step, ensure that you have a backup of your data to prevent any data loss.

To rebuild the replica set, follow these steps:

  1. Stop all MongoDB nodes in the replica set.
  2. Remove the existing replica set configuration using the following command:

Replace "" with the hostname and port of each node in the replica set.

  1. Add the replica set configuration again using the following command:

Replace "" with the hostname and port of each node in the replica set.

  1. Start the MongoDB nodes in the replica set.
  2. Verify the replica set configuration using the rs.conf() command.

After rebuilding the replica set, monitor the MongoDB logs for any errors or warnings.


In conclusion, MongoDB Error Code - 74 - NodeNotFound occurs when a MongoDB node cannot be found in the replica set configuration. To fix this error, verify the replica set configuration, check network connectivity, restart MongoDB nodes, and if necessary, rebuild the replica set. If you need assistance with MongoDB hosting or any other VPS hosting services, consider Server.HK for reliable and high-performance solutions.