MongoDB · January 2, 2024

MongoDB Glossary - User

MongoDB Glossary - User

In the world of databases, a user is an essential component that allows individuals or applications to access and interact with the database. MongoDB, a popular NoSQL database, also incorporates the concept of users to provide secure and controlled access to its data. In this article, we will explore the MongoDB glossary term "User" and understand its significance in database management.

What is a User in MongoDB?

In MongoDB, a user is an account that is created to authenticate and authorize access to the database. Each user is associated with a specific database and has a set of privileges that determine what actions they can perform on that database. These privileges can range from read-only access to full administrative control.

Users in MongoDB are defined at the database level, meaning that each database can have its own set of users with different roles and permissions. This allows for fine-grained control over who can access and manipulate the data within each database.

Creating a User in MongoDB

To create a user in MongoDB, you can use the db.createUser() method. This method takes various parameters such as the username, password, and roles to assign to the user. Here's an example:

use mydatabase
  user: "myuser",
  pwd: "mypassword",
  roles: [
    { role: "readWrite", db: "mydatabase" }

In this example, we create a user named "myuser" with the password "mypassword" and assign the "readWrite" role to them for the "mydatabase" database. This role allows the user to read and write data in the specified database.

User Roles and Privileges

MongoDB provides several built-in roles that can be assigned to users, each with its own set of privileges. Some of the commonly used roles include:

  • read: Allows read-only access to the database.
  • readWrite: Allows read and write access to the database.
  • dbAdmin: Provides administrative privileges for the database.
  • userAdmin: Allows the management of users and roles within the database.

In addition to these built-in roles, MongoDB also allows for the creation of custom roles with specific privileges tailored to the requirements of your application.

Managing Users in MongoDB

Once users are created, they can be managed using various methods provided by MongoDB. Some of the common operations include:

  • db.dropUser(): Deletes a user from the database.
  • db.updateUser(): Updates the details of an existing user.
  • db.changeUserPassword(): Changes the password for a user.

These methods allow administrators to maintain and modify user accounts as per the changing requirements of the application.


Users play a crucial role in MongoDB as they provide the necessary authentication and authorization mechanisms to secure the database. By creating users with appropriate roles and privileges, administrators can ensure that only authorized individuals or applications can access and manipulate the data. Understanding the concept of users in MongoDB is essential for effective database management and security.


In this article, we explored the concept of users in MongoDB. Users are accounts created to authenticate and authorize access to the database. Each user is associated with a specific database and has a set of privileges that determine their actions. MongoDB provides various built-in roles and methods to manage users effectively. To learn more about MongoDB and its features, visit Server.HK.