PHP · December 19, 2023

PHP Function:is_bool

PHP Function: is_bool

In PHP, the is_bool function is used to determine whether a given value is of the boolean data type. It returns true if the value is a boolean, and false otherwise.


The syntax for the is_bool function is:

bool is_bool ( mixed $value )

Here, $value is the variable or value that you want to check.

Return Value

The is_bool function returns true if the value is a boolean, and false otherwise.


Let's look at some examples to understand how the is_bool function works:

$value1 = true;
$value2 = false;
$value3 = 0;
$value4 = "true";

var_dump(is_bool($value1));  // Output: bool(true)
var_dump(is_bool($value2));  // Output: bool(true)
var_dump(is_bool($value3));  // Output: bool(false)
var_dump(is_bool($value4));  // Output: bool(false)

In the above example, $value1 and $value2 are boolean values, so the is_bool function returns true for both. However, $value3 is an integer, and $value4 is a string, so the function returns false for both.


The is_bool function in PHP is used to determine whether a given value is of the boolean data type. It returns true if the value is a boolean, and false otherwise. Understanding the data type of a value is crucial in programming, as it helps in making logical decisions and performing appropriate operations based on the data type. The is_bool function is a handy tool for checking the boolean type in PHP.

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