PHP · December 19, 2023

PHP Function:rtrim

PHP Function: rtrim

In PHP, the rtrim function is used to remove whitespace or other specified characters from the end of a string. It stands for "right trim" and is a useful tool for manipulating and cleaning up strings in various scenarios. In this article, we will explore the syntax, parameters, and practical applications of the rtrim function.


The syntax for the rtrim function is as follows:

rtrim(string $str, string $charlist = " tnrx0B") : string

The rtrim function takes two parameters:

  • $str: The input string that will be trimmed.
  • $charlist (optional): The characters to be removed from the end of the string. If not specified, it will remove whitespace characters (space, tab, newline, carriage return, null byte, vertical tab).


Let's look at some examples to understand how the rtrim function works:

$str1 = "Hello World!   ";
$result1 = rtrim($str1);
echo $result1; // Output: "Hello World!"

$str2 = "PHP is awesome!!!";
$result2 = rtrim($str2, "!");
echo $result2; // Output: "PHP is awesome"

$str3 = "   Trim the spaces   ";
$result3 = rtrim($str3, " ");
echo $result3; // Output: "   Trim the spaces"

In the first example, the rtrim function removes the trailing whitespace from the string "$str1". The resulting string is "Hello World!" without any extra spaces.

The second example demonstrates how to remove a specific character, in this case, the exclamation mark "!". The rtrim function trims all trailing exclamation marks from the string "$str2", resulting in "PHP is awesome".

The third example shows that the rtrim function can remove multiple occurrences of a character. It trims all trailing spaces from the string "$str3", but leaves the leading spaces intact.

Practical Applications

The rtrim function is commonly used in various scenarios, such as:

  • Data validation: When processing user input, the rtrim function can be used to remove unwanted characters from the end of a string, ensuring data integrity.
  • Formatting: It can be used to clean up and format strings before displaying them, removing unnecessary whitespace or characters.
  • File manipulation: When working with file paths or names, the rtrim function can remove trailing slashes or other unwanted characters.

By utilizing the rtrim function, developers can ensure that strings are properly formatted and free from unwanted characters, leading to more reliable and efficient code.


The rtrim function in PHP is a powerful tool for manipulating strings by removing whitespace or specified characters from the end of a string. It is widely used in data validation, formatting, and file manipulation scenarios. To learn more about VPS hosting solutions, visit Server.HK.