Nginx · December 19, 2023

Nginx Tip - Optimize server block with listen directives

Nginx Tip - Optimize server block with listen directives

Nginx is a popular web server that is known for its high performance, scalability, and flexibility. It is widely used by many websites and web applications to handle a large number of concurrent connections efficiently. One of the key features of Nginx is its ability to optimize server blocks using listen directives.

What are server blocks?

In Nginx, server blocks are used to define the configuration for different websites or applications running on the same server. Each server block contains directives that specify how Nginx should handle incoming requests for a particular domain or IP address.

By default, Nginx listens on port 80 for HTTP requests and port 443 for HTTPS requests. However, you can configure Nginx to listen on different ports or IP addresses using the listen directive.

Optimizing server blocks with listen directives

When it comes to optimizing server blocks, the listen directive plays a crucial role. By carefully configuring the listen directive, you can improve the performance and security of your Nginx server.

1. Specify the IP address

By default, Nginx listens on all available IP addresses on the server. However, if you have multiple IP addresses assigned to your server, you can specify the IP address that Nginx should listen on. This can be useful in scenarios where you want to dedicate a specific IP address for a particular website or application.

For example, if you have an IP address and you want Nginx to listen only on this IP address, you can use the following listen directive:


2. Use multiple listen directives

In some cases, you may want Nginx to listen on multiple ports or IP addresses. This can be useful when you want to serve different websites or applications on different ports or IP addresses.

For example, if you want Nginx to listen on both port 80 and port 443, you can use the following listen directives:

listen 80;
listen 443 ssl;

In this example, Nginx will listen on port 80 for HTTP requests and port 443 for HTTPS requests.

3. Enable HTTP/2

HTTP/2 is the latest version of the HTTP protocol, which offers improved performance and efficiency compared to its predecessor, HTTP/1.1. Nginx supports HTTP/2 out of the box, and you can enable it by using the listen directive.

For example, to enable HTTP/2 on port 443, you can use the following listen directive:

listen 443 ssl http2;

With HTTP/2 enabled, Nginx will automatically negotiate the use of HTTP/2 with compatible clients, resulting in faster and more efficient communication between the server and the client.


Optimizing server blocks with listen directives is an effective way to improve the performance and security of your Nginx server. By carefully configuring the listen directive, you can specify the IP address, use multiple listen directives for different ports or IP addresses, and enable HTTP/2 to enhance the overall performance of your website or application.

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