IIS · December 18, 2023

IIS Status Code - 417 Expectation Failed

IIS Status Code - 417 Expectation Failed

When browsing the internet, you may have encountered various error messages that indicate something went wrong with the website or server you are trying to access. One such error is the IIS status code 417, also known as "Expectation Failed." In this article, we will explore what this status code means, its causes, and possible solutions.

Understanding the IIS Status Code 417

The IIS status code 417 is an HTTP response status code that indicates the server cannot meet the requirements specified in the "Expect" request header field. This header is typically used to communicate client expectations to the server, such as specific behavior or capabilities.

When the server encounters an "Expect" header it cannot fulfill, it responds with the 417 status code. This can happen for various reasons, including:

  • The server does not support the requested expectation.
  • The server is unable to fulfill the expectation due to internal limitations.
  • The server encounters an error while processing the expectation.

Possible Causes of the 417 Expectation Failed Error

Several factors can contribute to the occurrence of the 417 Expectation Failed error. Let's explore some common causes:

1. Proxy Server Issues

If you are accessing a website through a proxy server, it is possible that the proxy server is misconfigured or unable to handle the expectation specified in the request header. In such cases, the proxy server may return the 417 status code.

2. Incompatible Server Configuration

The server may not be properly configured to handle the expectation specified in the request header. This can occur if the server software or modules are outdated or incompatible with the expectation.

3. Malformed or Incorrectly Set Expectation Header

If the expectation header is malformed or incorrectly set, the server may not be able to interpret it correctly, leading to the 417 error. It is essential to ensure that the expectation header is properly formatted and accurately reflects the desired expectation.

Resolving the 417 Expectation Failed Error

Now that we understand the possible causes of the 417 error, let's explore some solutions:

1. Check Proxy Server Configuration

If you are accessing the website through a proxy server, verify that the proxy server is correctly configured and capable of handling the specified expectation. Contact your network administrator or IT support for assistance in resolving any proxy server issues.

2. Update Server Software and Modules

If the server software or modules are outdated or incompatible, consider updating them to the latest versions. This ensures that the server can handle the specified expectation correctly. Consult the documentation or support resources for your server software to learn how to update it.

3. Verify Expectation Header

Double-check the expectation header to ensure it is correctly formatted and accurately reflects the desired expectation. If necessary, consult the documentation or resources for the client or server software you are using to understand the correct format and usage of the expectation header.


The IIS status code 417, or "Expectation Failed," indicates that the server cannot meet the requirements specified in the "Expect" request header. This can occur due to various reasons, including proxy server issues, incompatible server configuration, or malformed expectation headers.

To resolve the 417 error, check the proxy server configuration, update server software and modules, and verify the expectation header for accuracy. By addressing these potential causes, you can overcome the 417 Expectation Failed error and ensure a smoother browsing experience.

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