IIS · December 18, 2023

IIS Status Code - 302 Found

IIS Status Code - 302 Found

When browsing the internet, you may have encountered various error messages that indicate a problem with the website or server you are trying to access. One such error is the "302 Found" status code, which is a common response from web servers. In this article, we will explore what the 302 Found status code means, how it affects website visitors, and how it can be resolved.

Understanding the 302 Found Status Code

The 302 Found status code is an HTTP response status code that indicates a temporary redirection. When a web server receives a request from a client (usually a web browser), it may respond with a 302 status code to inform the client that the requested resource has been temporarily moved to a different location.

This redirection is often used when a website undergoes maintenance, changes its URL structure, or temporarily moves its content to a different location. The server provides the new URL in the response's "Location" header, allowing the client to automatically redirect to the new location and retrieve the requested resource.

Impact on Website Visitors

For website visitors, encountering a 302 Found status code means that the resource they are trying to access is temporarily unavailable at its original location. Instead, they are redirected to a different URL where the resource can be found. This redirection is usually seamless and transparent to the user, as modern web browsers automatically follow the redirect and display the content from the new location.

However, if the redirection is not properly implemented or if the new location is not accessible, visitors may experience issues. They may encounter an endless loop of redirects, resulting in a "Too Many Redirects" error, or they may be directed to an error page indicating that the resource could not be found.

Resolving the 302 Found Status Code

If you are a website owner or administrator and you encounter the 302 Found status code, there are several steps you can take to resolve the issue:

  • Check the URL: Ensure that the URL specified in the "Location" header is correct and accessible. Make sure there are no typos or errors in the URL.
  • Verify the Redirect: Use a tool like a web browser's developer console or a network traffic analyzer to inspect the HTTP response headers and confirm that the server is indeed sending a 302 status code with the correct redirect location.
  • Update Links: If you have control over the website's content, update any internal or external links that point to the old URL to ensure they redirect to the new location.
  • Implement Permanent Redirects: If the resource has permanently moved to a new location, consider using a 301 Moved Permanently status code instead of a 302 Found. This informs search engines and browsers that the redirect is permanent and helps preserve SEO rankings.


The 302 Found status code is a temporary redirection response from web servers. It indicates that the requested resource has been moved to a different location temporarily. While this status code is generally transparent to website visitors, it is essential for website owners and administrators to ensure that the redirection is correctly implemented and that the new location is accessible. By following the steps outlined in this article, you can effectively resolve any issues related to the 302 Found status code.

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