IIS · December 18, 2023

IIS Command: New-WebSite

IIS Command: New-WebSite

When it comes to hosting a website, choosing the right server and software is crucial. One popular option for hosting websites is the Internet Information Services (IIS) server, developed by Microsoft. In this article, we will explore the IIS command "New-WebSite" and its significance in managing websites on a server.

What is IIS?

IIS, short for Internet Information Services, is a web server software developed by Microsoft. It is designed to host websites and web applications on Windows servers. IIS provides a robust and secure platform for serving web content, supporting various protocols such as HTTP, HTTPS, FTP, SMTP, and more.

The New-WebSite Command

The "New-WebSite" command is a powerful feature of IIS that allows administrators to create new websites on their server. This command is part of the WebAdministration module in PowerShell, which provides a command-line interface for managing IIS.

Using the New-WebSite command, administrators can define the website's name, physical path, bindings, and other configurations. Let's take a closer look at the syntax:

New-WebSite -Name <string> -PhysicalPath <string> -BindingInformation <string> [-Port <int>] [-IPAddress <string>] [-HostHeader <string>] [-Force] [-ApplicationPool <string>]

Here's a breakdown of the parameters:

  • -Name: Specifies the name of the website.
  • -PhysicalPath: Specifies the physical path where the website's files are located.
  • -BindingInformation: Specifies the binding information for the website, including the IP address, port, and host header.
  • -Port (optional): Specifies the port number for the website. If not specified, the default port 80 is used for HTTP.
  • -IPAddress (optional): Specifies the IP address for the website. If not specified, the website will bind to all available IP addresses.
  • -HostHeader (optional): Specifies the host header for the website.
  • -Force (optional): Forces the creation of the website, even if it already exists.
  • -ApplicationPool (optional): Specifies the application pool for the website.

By utilizing these parameters, administrators can easily create and configure websites on their IIS server using the New-WebSite command.

Example Usage

Let's consider an example to illustrate the usage of the New-WebSite command:

New-WebSite -Name "MyWebsite" -PhysicalPath "C:inetpubwwwrootmywebsite" -BindingInformation "*:80:"

In this example, we create a new website named "MyWebsite" with the physical path "C:inetpubwwwrootmywebsite". The binding information "*:80:" indicates that the website will listen on all IP addresses and port 80.


The New-WebSite command in IIS is a valuable tool for administrators to create and manage websites on their server. With its flexibility and ease of use, it simplifies the process of setting up websites and allows for efficient website management. By leveraging the power of IIS and the New-WebSite command, hosting companies like Server.HK can provide reliable and high-performance VPS hosting services to their clients.

For more information about VPS hosting and Server.HK, visit Server.HK.