Apache · December 17, 2023

Apache Command: mod_proxy_http

Apache Command: mod_proxy_http

When it comes to web servers, Apache is one of the most popular choices due to its flexibility and extensive feature set. One of the powerful modules that Apache offers is mod_proxy_http, which allows for proxying HTTP requests to another server. In this article, we will explore the functionality and configuration of mod_proxy_http.

What is mod_proxy_http?

Mod_proxy_http is an Apache module that enables the proxying of HTTP requests from one server to another. It acts as an intermediary between the client and the destination server, forwarding the requests and responses seamlessly. This module is particularly useful in scenarios where you want to distribute the load across multiple servers or when you need to access resources that are behind a firewall.

Enabling mod_proxy_http

To use mod_proxy_http, you need to ensure that the module is enabled in your Apache configuration. You can do this by running the following command:

sudo a2enmod proxy_http
sudo systemctl restart apache2

This command enables the mod_proxy_http module and restarts the Apache service to apply the changes.

Configuring mod_proxy_http

Once mod_proxy_http is enabled, you can configure it by editing your Apache configuration file. The configuration file is usually located at /etc/apache2/apache2.conf or /etc/httpd/httpd.conf depending on your distribution.

To configure mod_proxy_http, you need to define a proxy directive inside the <VirtualHost> block. Here's an example:

<VirtualHost *:80>
    ServerName example.com
    ProxyPass / http://destination-server.com/
    ProxyPassReverse / http://destination-server.com/

In this example, any request that comes to example.com will be proxied to http://destination-server.com/. The ProxyPass directive specifies the URL path to be proxied, while the ProxyPassReverse directive ensures that the responses from the destination server are correctly rewritten to match the client's expectations.

Additional Configuration Options

Mod_proxy_http provides additional configuration options to fine-tune its behavior. Some of the commonly used options include:

  • ProxyTimeout: Specifies the timeout for proxy requests.
  • ProxyPreserveHost: Preserves the original host header in the proxied request.
  • ProxyVia: Adds the Via header to the proxied request.
  • ProxyPassReverseCookieDomain: Rewrites the domain in the Set-Cookie header.

These options can be added to the <VirtualHost> block to customize the behavior of mod_proxy_http based on your requirements.


Mod_proxy_http is a powerful Apache module that allows for seamless proxying of HTTP requests. By enabling and configuring this module, you can distribute the load across multiple servers and access resources that are behind firewalls. Understanding how to use mod_proxy_http effectively can greatly enhance the performance and flexibility of your web server setup.


In summary, mod_proxy_http is an Apache module that enables the proxying of HTTP requests from one server to another. By configuring mod_proxy_http, you can distribute the load across multiple servers and access resources behind firewalls. To enable mod_proxy_http, run the command sudo a2enmod proxy_http and restart Apache. Customize the behavior of mod_proxy_http using additional configuration options such as ProxyTimeout and ProxyPreserveHost. For more information about VPS hosting solutions, visit Server.HK.