Apache · December 17, 2023

Apache Command: mod_proxy_fdpass

Apache Command: mod_proxy_fdpass

Apache is a widely used web server software that allows websites to be hosted on the internet. It provides various modules that enhance its functionality and performance. One such module is mod_proxy_fdpass, which is used for proxying connections in Apache. In this article, we will explore the features and benefits of mod_proxy_fdpass.

What is mod_proxy_fdpass?

Mod_proxy_fdpass is an Apache module that enables the passing of file descriptors between processes. It allows Apache to act as a proxy server and forward requests to backend servers efficiently. By using file descriptors, mod_proxy_fdpass eliminates the need for additional data copying, resulting in improved performance and reduced latency.

How does mod_proxy_fdpass work?

When a client sends a request to an Apache server with mod_proxy_fdpass enabled, the server establishes a connection with the backend server. Instead of copying the data from the client to the server and then to the backend server, mod_proxy_fdpass passes the file descriptor of the client connection directly to the backend server. This allows the backend server to read the data directly from the client, eliminating unnecessary data transfers.

Mod_proxy_fdpass uses Unix domain sockets to pass the file descriptors between processes. Unix domain sockets provide a mechanism for inter-process communication on the same machine. The file descriptor is sent over the Unix domain socket, and the backend server can then use it to read data from the client.

Benefits of using mod_proxy_fdpass

1. Improved performance: By avoiding data copying, mod_proxy_fdpass reduces the overhead associated with proxying connections. This results in faster response times and improved overall performance of the web server.

2. Reduced latency: With mod_proxy_fdpass, the backend server can directly read data from the client without any intermediate steps. This reduces the latency introduced by data transfers and improves the responsiveness of the web server.

3. Scalability: Mod_proxy_fdpass allows Apache to efficiently handle a large number of concurrent connections. By eliminating unnecessary data copying, it reduces the resource usage of the server and enables it to handle more requests simultaneously.

Configuring mod_proxy_fdpass

To enable mod_proxy_fdpass in Apache, you need to load the module and configure the proxy settings. Here is an example configuration:

LoadModule proxy_fdpass_module modules/mod_proxy_fdpass.so

<VirtualHost *:80>
    ServerName example.com
    ProxyPass / http://backend-server/
    ProxyPassReverse / http://backend-server/

In the above configuration, the mod_proxy_fdpass module is loaded, and the ProxyPass and ProxyPassReverse directives are used to define the backend server. Any requests received by Apache will be forwarded to the backend server using mod_proxy_fdpass.


Mod_proxy_fdpass is a powerful Apache module that enhances the performance and scalability of web servers. By allowing the passing of file descriptors between processes, it eliminates unnecessary data copying and reduces latency. With mod_proxy_fdpass, Apache can efficiently proxy connections to backend servers, resulting in improved performance and responsiveness.

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